Backyard permits urged to stop banana disease

The Australian Banana Growers Council is urging backyard banana growers to get a permit to help stop the spread of bunchy top disease.

National program coordinator David Peasley says commercial crops from Byron Bay to Cooroy are monitored closely for the disease but backyard growers can unwittingly pass it on if they give their plants away.

The disease is spread by aphids, and stunts plants and deforms bunches.   Link to rest of story;

Carotenoid and riboflavin content of banana cultivars from Makira, Solomon Islands

Lois Englbergera, Graham Lyonsb, Wendy Foleyc, Jeff Daniellsd, Bill Aalbersberge, Usaia Dolodolotawakee, Claudine Watotof, Ellen Iramug, Belden Takih, Francis Wehii, Peter Waritof, i and Mary Taylorj 


The Solomon Islands face problems of vitamin A deficiency and infectious diseases, including malaria. It is essential to identify nutrient-rich indigenous foods for preventing and alleviating these diseases. Previous work in Micronesia identified yellow/orange-fleshed carotenoid-rich banana cultivars, in particular Fe’i cultivars (characterized by upright bunches), with potential to alleviate vitamin A deficiency. Although there is a great diversity of Solomon Islands bananas, little is documented about these cultivars and their nutrient content. Using an ethnographic approach, this study aimed to identify nutrient-rich cultivars and to collect information relating to production and consumption. Seven Fe’i cultivars (not previously analyzed) and three non-Fe’i cultivars were assessed for flesh color, fruit size and other attributes and analyzed for provitamin A carotenoids (β- and α-carotene), total carotenoids and riboflavin. Five Fe’i and two non-Fe’i cultivars were identified as carotenoid-rich. Of 10 cultivars analyzed the concentrations of β-carotene equivalents ranged from 45 to 7124 μg/100 g. Compared to cultivars with light-colored flesh, the yellow/orange-fleshed cultivars generally contained higher carotenoid concentrations. All Fe’i cultivars contained riboflavin, from 0.10 to 2.72 mg/100 g, some having substantial concentrations. The nutrient-rich cultivars, including Fe’i, should be promoted for their potential to contribute to vitamin A intake and overall health.

Keywords: Fe’i banana; Musa (Fe’i group); Vitamin A deficiency; Indigenous foods; Ethnographic approach to food analysis; Biodiversity of traditional food systems; Horticulture and biodiversity; Agrobiodiversity; Cultivar differences; Underutilized species; Food composition

Panama Banana Blight Harmless to Humans (in one sense…)

Panama Banana Blight Harmless to Humans
(But really? Is it? Doesn’t it threaten the viability of a staple crop?)

Local administrations in Haikou have opened ports to facilitate banana business and avoid more losses, after news that “banana cancer” swept most parts of China. As the rumor of the “Panama Disease” outbreak in banana plantations gradually quiets down, the local government has decided to give a 300-yuan subsidy [USD 37.5] for each banana truckload in an attempt to boost fruit sales and reduce losses suffered by local banana planters. Continue reading Panama Banana Blight Harmless to Humans (in one sense…)